SPIRE (Surgical Procedural Interventional Recovery Expansion)

will expand our Surgical and Gastroenterology facility. Two additional theatres and a cardiac catheterisation laboratory will be added to the existing theatre suite. In addition, the number of procedure rooms in our Gastroenterology Department will be increased from two to four. Further work will see the flow of patients through theatre and gastroenterology improved with an expanded Day of Surgery (DOSA) area and post-surgery recovery area.

The project is being done in two stages. Stage 1 includes DOSA, Recovery, Gastroenterology, and a staff area. Stage 2 includes the theatres and the cath lab, as well as the installation of ancilliary plant on the roof top. The cath lab will be an exciting new addition to the hospital, with many cardiac patients able to be treated in Palmerston North instead of having to travel to Wellington.

Completion of Stage 1 was achieved on 13 February 2023. DOSA, Gastroenterology and Recovery services are enjoying working from their new and improved areas. Stage 2 is on track for completion by the end of 2023.

Stage 2, January - December 2023

On 23 November, the operating theatres (2 new and 1 replacement) and the fourth procedure rooms were completed and went into use. A week later, the cardia cath lab opened. Work continues to complete the remaining areas within the theatre suite - the patient reception area and nursing station in the Post Anaesthetic Care Unit.

I The construction of the cardiac cath lab, operating theatres and the fourth procedure room involved a lot of work establishing and connecting the many, largely unseen services needed to operate these areas.  As sterile environments, strong controls around temperature, humidity, and air changes per hour were required. Medical gases, suction, power, heating and ventilation systems, energy and water also needed to be installed.  Once the construction was completed, equipment was installed and the areas fitted out for use.

The results speak for themselves.

Stage 1 completed February 2023

New Gastroenterology Suite

New Recovery Unit

New Day of Surgery Unit

Progress Timeline

October - December 2022 | Final construction works and finishing trades

October 2022 a milestone month- Procedure Room 1 completed

The new decontamination suite is substantially larger than the previous unit and has new drying cabinets . The new cabinets are a huge step forward, enabling more robust infection prevention measures.

The Sterile Supply Team now has the ability to process over 30 percent as many endoscopes.

July 2022 - a milestone month | Decontamination Unit completed

July also saw work to remove the concrete sunshades on the side of the hospital’s tower block. These had to go to make room for the new pipework and ventilation systems needed for SPIRE.

June 2022 - preparation for roof work begins

The new theatres and cath lab will be supported by a plant room. This is to be located on the roof. In readiness for this, work began to bring in the scaffolding and materials needed.

A crane, weighing in at 120 tonnes and with a reach of 60 metres, made easy work of lifting the material up and over the hospital’s loading bay and onto the roof or into the children’s play area.

February 2022 - a milestone month | Theatre change rooms completed

The theatre change rooms were long in need of an overall. The new facilities are larger, reflecting the number of staff they support, and have been well received.

This part of the project was largely completed over the Christmas/New Year holiday period (Dec 21/Jan 22) to minimise the impact on theatre services.

In the beginning ……

a design to increase the hospital’s theatre and gastroenterology capacity, and to bring the first cardiac catheterisation laboratory to the district.


Proposed Future Acute Services Building